Community Groups
Community Groups
Community Groups at Faith help us to build fellowship, promote growth through prayer and study, and encourage our engagement to others through hospitality and service.
These communities are a blessing to the church body because they offer opportunities for deeper Christian relationships and help apply the Faith vision in practical and meaningful ways.
Groups meet on the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month. Weeks start on SUNDAYS. (For example: not the first Wednesday of the month, but the Wednesday after the first Sunday of the month)
Our current Community Groups are:
West Side Community Group Sundays at the Wells’ home, 12:30pm. Led by Dan Wells. (adults only)
South Rabbit Creek Community Group (South Anchorage) Sundays at the Saugier home, 12:30pm Led by Luke Saugier.
East Anchorage (East of U-Med District) Wednesdays at the Burgess home. 5:30-7:30pm. Led by Chris Burgess.
North Eagle River Community Group (Eagle River/Chugiak/JBER) Wednesdays at the Anderson’s home. 6:00-8pm. Led by Brian Anderson.
South Elmore Community Group Wednesdays at the Nagel’s home. 6:00-8pm. Led by Josiah Nagel.
South Lake Otis Community Group (South Anchorage) Thursdays at the Krulish home. 6-8pm. Led by Matt Smith.
If you are interested in joining a Faith Community Group, please contact the office.
Community Groups run from September to early May.